Sunday, 30 August 2015

Turn your frown upside down.

Historian BH Liddell Hart wrote: “A life spent in sowing a few grains of fruitful thought, is a life spent more effectively than in hasty action that produces a crop of weeds.”
We humans, being the mere mortals that we are, cannot help but to… well… be human.  And being human we feel, we laugh, cry, fall, eat, sleep, and experience emotions such as joy, love, fear and anger.  Too often though, we forget that we are human and react as animals, normally when the emotion of anger or fear takes hold.  Now this is going to sound crazy, but even our animalistic antics are normal.  Did you know…being human makes you magnificently marvellous and we have the ability to change our minds! Amazing phenomena, I know.  So perhaps now when we experience these intense and dramatic emotions, you could turn them around to be beneficial opposed to detrimental.  So, if you must succumb to feelings and even actions of ambush, terror, persecution, manhandling, assult, besiege, bashing, exploding horror or outrage, try turning them into a possitive aposed to the negative it’s supposed to sygnify.   Ambush the couch.  Terrorize the cupcake.  Persecute the remote.  Manhandle the paperback.  Attack the keyboard. Assault the outdoors. Besiege your friends.  Explode with dancing.  Be outrageously positive.  And horrifically content.  Storm the streets.  Stare rudely at art.  Bash out the dukebox.  It is true that we are what we repeatedly do. It all begins in your mind what you give power to, has power over you, if you allow it. 
   You will be amazed at the magic that occurs once you have mastered the art of turning your frown up-side down.  Here are a few things that you can be certain of happening.  Firstly you become a much prettier person, both inside and out.  Secondly, instead of causing King-Kong kind of terror for those around you, you rather portray a Mary Poppins persona, portraying happy motivational thoughts and encouraging inspiration.  Lastly (only last for me to mention, not last on the ongoing list however) your magic will carry healing properties.  The following story perfectly describes the magical healing properties tucked away in motivational encouragement.
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room's only window.  The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back.  The men talked for hours on end.  They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation.  Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside.  The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake.Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene.  One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by.  Although the other man could not see the band, he could see it in his mind's eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days, weeks and months passed.One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep.  She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window.The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside. He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed. It faced a blank wall.  The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window.  The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall.  She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”
   Remember that inspiration flows where you’re thoughts go.  A quoted text in a Novel ‘Her Will’, by, Floranova BMsc describes this perfectly.  It reads, “In the midst of her torment, she felt a sense of hope and trying to understand the gravity of the situation, she thought, the circumstances do not own me.  I am in the moment and I am capable to decide, either to leave or to stay.”
Sometimes you need to talk to a three year old just so you can understand life again, to simplify all the above messages I have tried to elaborately colour-in for you.
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B

Embrace the suck

Insecurities, self confidence and self image are what haunt many women today.   Too thin, too fat, too tall, too short, too pretty, and not pretty enough and the list of self critisism goes on endlessly.   According to this bohemian, this syndrom should be labled as emotional, self mutilation.
There are a considerable amount of contributing factors that could result in many woman (sadly too many) becoming emotional self-mutilation suffers.  The most common contributor would be society, advocating the picture perfect  image of what todays ( seemingly )  ‘perfect woman’  represent, how she should look, what she should wear, what the acceptable and preferd weight should be, her make-up, vocabluary, career choice, all the way down to what she should eat, how often she should eat, how many children she should have, even what toothbrush she should use to assist her in fulfillinbg this perfect role portrayed by  todays ‘societies standards.  
Another is the its reflection; we see only our version of the truth.  Cringing at each and every yukky bit (each ones own perceptiopn of yukky, obviously).   After observing the monster in the mirror, we proceed to manipulate the vision before us, performing the suggested camoflage regime making us ucceptable to society.  In truth we are not seeing our own reflection, what we are looking at through our own criticle eyes are our very own feelings of inadequacy. 
   How marvelous wouldn’t it be if we could face truth and embrace who we are rather than constantly compare ourselves to society’s model image of who we, as woman are supposed to be?  Wouldnt it be wonderful if would stop believing that our differences make us superior or inferior to one another?   Can you imagine how incredibly harmonious the world would be if we (woman spesifically) accepted, embraced and even loved ourselves just they way God made us to be.  We wouldnt spend hours antagonising over our ‘flaws’ but rather understand that each and every thing us difines who we are.  We would save astronamicle amounts of money if we would get the stupid idea of competing with others, trying to be prettier, blonder, thinner, richer, .....
If we could just learn to BE and BE happy about BEING our entire world would change considerably.
The reflection in the mirror would tell a different story.....a story of truths, of self confidence and radiant beauty from within.  We would see who we really are and learn to love ourselves  in our own perfection, the contour of your face, the shape of your body, the tone of your skin, the colour of your eyes..........this would all count as the perfect wrapping for the beautiful woman inside.  Your self confidence, your belief in yourself and your security in the acceptance of who you are makes any ‘exterior wrapping’ beautiful.   Even if youb dont believe in some things, alwasy believe in you. 
   In my opinion, it is not up to the mirror to affirm my appearance or society to pre-describe who I should be.  It is entirely up to me to choose between declaring war or embracing the suck I’ve decided is there, staring back at me.  It is up to me to choose between self confidence and insecurity.   Insecurity will end up  leading me along the path of an ever hate for mirror’s and following the ‘guidance’ of society,  where as by choosing  self confidence, I create my own path by believing in the power and beauty which comes from within myself.  It is therefore that I decided to embrac e the suck, the yukky’s i see in the mirror.  In doing so I have discovered a treasure in the words of a friend who reminded me that what I see as Yukky, somebody else sees as yummy! 
I recieved a beautiful message earlier on this week that I have to share with you in the hopes that it will help you see the beauty in your very own suck.  The message read, “You devour the smell of a rose, you are in awe for the stars, and yet you ignore the grace of your own being?  How is it that you see yourself?   What is it that you tell yourself?  You call yourself stupid?  You call yourself dumb?  You call yourself fat?  You call skinny?
Would you call the rose stupid?  Would you call the stars dumb?  Aren't you made of the same molecules?
If for one moment you could grasp your own divinity,if for one moment you could get in touch with your infinity, if for one moment you could feel the miracle of your own being, if you would understand the grace of your own being , you would look upon yourself as a miracle  and you would be stunned by your own beauty.”  
   Tomorrow as you look in the mirror while applying your war paint for the day, take a moment to look at yourself, and i mean look, not scrutinise. Instead of cringing and critisizing, be bold and surprise yourself by embrasing your suck. Take a moment of inssanity and tell the mirror, “thank you, but your opinion is no longer necessary.”    Take a moment and be in awe for yourself.  Feel the grace of your own being.
 WOW look at you now! Beautifully yummy and wearing your self named yukky with confidence.  Lady, you are beautiful!!
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B           

Raw deal.......

Give me give me give me!....pick me! Pick me!... Im’m steak!.... The human race is seemingly regressing at a phanominal speed do to our evolving.  All consumed with theme, me and me regime, ever demanding and fueled by my right?  What rights? To me they are slowly becoming more and more seemingly wrong.  Selfish and lazy and completely self absorbed are we.  We are so busy fighting for our rights that we forget our own value and nine out of ten times sell ourselves short. 
    A lazy generation is what we have become.  We want it all, the glitz, the glam and the glory, but just hand it to me on a silver platter please, so I don’t have to strain myself at all.  And as I am handed all the comfort and luxuary I could ever imagine, I will cobtinue to sit here on my pedasil and expand where I shouldnt and complain about the little I don’t have.  What saddens me most from this scenario is (in my opinion) the obliviation we find we fit so comfortably into.  You may see yourself as the top of the food chain, but I am affraid to say you are are playing the perfect roll of victim and laying down in your very own puddle of seeped out self worth.
   Tension breaker questionair: 1) did you see the mother and her young child braving the icy cold this morning as you drove past in your hot airconditioned vehicle?  Did you see the youngster was crying his little heart out? Did you see the sad and hopeless expression on the mother’s tired and drawn face?  Did you notice that they wore the same colour skin as you?  Orwere you, like most of the rest of us self righteous humans in the world, so self absorbed in our own troubles (and yes, we all have them) that you never even caught a glimps of them?   
    Feeling offended yet?  Good.  If not, just hold on I’ll get to you in a bit.  The order of business goes as follows (in my opinion of course) If you didnt work for it, It’s not yours.  If you didnt run the race, you shouldnt be wearing those trainers.  If you didnt plant it, you shouldnt pick it.  Have we such a low self image and lack recognising our own value to such an extent that you deem it acceptable to take something you did not work for and lable it you own.  I can take this a little further.  If you are too upity to get your hands dirty (so to speak) then Im pretty certain you are too upity to offer your opinion as well.  If you have masterd only the art of taking, critisizing and judging then I am sad to say, you have lost your worth.......everything we do from the moment we wake up until the moment we drift off to lala land again, we are busy making public display of our self worth, our value.  Instead of always wanting and continually taking, how about every once in a while start giving.  A lift to school/work, a loaf of bread, a warm smile or maybe just five minutes of your precious time to show a loney, lost or even just sad soul that they are not alone in the world. 
   Motivational writer, Bryant McGill wrote a brilliant piece on self-worth, “Value is your way out of the trap!” explaining the value of your raw material.  ‘The value of your worth’.  He says, “You better have some skills in this world. You better bring something to the dinner party or you will be the dinner.  You will either have value, or be grist for the mill — nothing more. I know it seems so unfair. I didn't make the rules.  The truth is that the world doesn't have much use or respect for “does nothing” people.  Can you really blame them? Take some pride in yourself.  Get to work.  Read everything you can get your hands on.   Acquire several skills and find at least one that you can master, and that earns you respect.  Let your skills do the talking.  Get determined.  This world is bursting with opportunity. Maybe it's time you re-invent you and try again.  Get going.  Don't cheat the world or yourself of what you have to offer. You must cultivate value within yourself if you want to move forward.  If you feel trapped quit thinking about the trap and start thinking about your value.  Life favours value.  Value is your way out.  The quality of your life hinges on your attitudes and offerings. Become a gift in the lives of others and you will always be well received.  If you want more opportunities you have to become an opportunity for others.  As you advance yourself your opportunities advance too.  It's so simple.  Get to work on yourself. The harder you work on yourself the more the external things you couldn't or can’t change will change on their own. Cultivating your value proposition in life is the way to move forward.   You are the raw material of your own destiny.”
Go out and embrace your rawness.  Be the person who makes a difference in somebody’s life.  Show the world your value.
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)

Bohemian B