Friday, 4 July 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat
Tick Tock, hickory dock......

Being the social network butterfly that I am, I came across an interesting quote which got me thinking about time.  “Time is money”; “Time is ticking away”; “Time is of the essence”. Time is....time is.....time is.....
   “The word ‘NOTHING’ is becoming rare and precious. Everything is hype, noise, desire, desperation, speed and greed. We in the modern world are good at 'doing,' but anaemic at 'being'.  Entertainment, busyness, texting while walking or even driving...'Efficiency' is an addictive myth based on our fidgety fear of opening up. We cannot 'do' properly until we can, first, 'be' fully. Practice doing nothing - then - we can accomplish...ANYTHING."
How often don’t we hear and utter the words, “I’m just so busy, there is never enough time”, and this is where my thoughts became a little bit uncomfortable as I had to stare the ugly truth in the face. If I had a pink smartie
(has to be the pink one’s... no I don’t know why) for every time I told someone or even just muttered those dreadful words to myself, I’d be the richest, smartiest bohemian around. How many times have I neglected to reply to a message, pop round to a friend to say hi or neglected loved ones because ‘I’m so busy and there is no time’ – hog wash I say! 
We are constantly busying ourselves with all sorts of ‘things’ that we ultimately loose the important ‘things’. Always worrying about tomorrow, next month, next year, our golden years, we eventually lose the essence of who we are today. Yes, taking responsibility is important and I have the utmost respect for people who do, but when you eventually allow the ‘act’ of taking responsibility to rob you of inner peace, joy and love, I’m sorry to say, but you’ve lost that precious thing called ‘the essence of life’. The only thing you can be absolutely certain of is this exact moment, so why go and spoil a perfectly good opportunity to appreciate what you DO have and enjoy the moment, by worrying about or busying yourself with... well whatever it is that is chasing you...
Time. Take the time to BE, to breathe, to appreciate and to live. Before your time runs out and it’s too late.  You could actually find yourself pleasantly surprised as you discover that, with a new found peace, discovery of appreciation and a new out-look on the word ‘time’, you could actually accomplish so much more.
So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take a moment and send all my friends and loved ones, who I have neglected, due to the ‘no time and business issue’, a message... in the hope that they are not too busy for me now.
Glitter greetings (and all things shinny)
Bohemian B

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