Thursday, 28 August 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat
Living deliberately, Fate versus fact

Fate vs fact, an on-going dilemma in the history of... well for as long as I can remember.  “I can’t believe that happened to me”.... “Why” and “How” are probably the most commonly asked questions and normally asked with a sense of surprised shock and horror, when very often (no, I never said always) it’s partly, if not completely, our own doing. 
   I do not necessarily believe in coincidence, I believe in living with deliberation and choice.  We were all blessed with the gift of free will and that includes choices.  Sometimes (and I talk from experience) we have a ‘gut’ feeling that we shouldn’t do a particular thing, say a certain thing, go to a specific place, but what do we do? We ignore the little voice and do it anyway.  And oh the horror when things go pear shaped and turn bad and all the while that little voice is looking you up and down smugly and with distain mumbling, “I told you so”. So why do we do it? Are we all natural born dare devils? Or maybe we think we are superior to ‘the voice’ (I’m a famous one for always thinking that I know best… if you don’t believe me just ask, I’ll tell you!).
   But for whatever reason we do what we do, we all have to eventually pay the price for our careless, callous or downright stupid choices.  Payday may not be immediately, but eventually it’ll come knocking on the door demanding its levy. (And trust me, I owe so much to the ‘simply silly or subtly stupid choices levy fund’, that   I’m considered a registered employee there already)
   I am also a firm believer in making mistakes, purely for three simple reasons: 1) Because I make so many of them; 2) Because I am human (referring back to last week’s BBB) and 3) (and this is a ‘biggy’) It’s an opportunity to learn from said mistake and grow from it.  However, a mistake is just that, a mistake.  When it happens the first time it is a mistake, if it happens again it becomes a choice.  It is not coincidental that you end up in the same situation over and over again, it is your choice to continually revert back to square one. 
   I recently read some good advice, “Every moment is a choice.  Every thought, word and deed is creating your future and for that matter the future of the one’s closest to you.  Choose wisely and positively.  Banish fear from your choosing capabilities. Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well-being of another person is at stake. Always live with deliberation and make your choices wisely and take the utmost care to avoid the knock on the door when it is time to ‘pay up for your ‘coincidences’.”
   I choose to make a conscious decision to put every effort into making good choices and to avoid coincidence and the consequences at all cost… I will also try to remember that I am classified a human and will not beat myself up for my unintentional mistakes.  “Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.”
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat

Teleporting pink unicorns

Potholes, public transport, out-of-order traffic lights, reckless drivers, traffic obstructions and the list goes on and on and on.  When you see these words it should evoke feelings of outrage, disbelief and all round negativity (If you reside in Ermelo of course and if you are an earthling).
I was driving in town recently, swerving from one side of the road to the other in an ongoing attempt of dodging the abundance of potholes (some so big that I fear if I fall in there I will either 1. have to wait for a search party to come looking for me or 2. face the possibility of falling right through to the other side of the earth ball...) reminding me of a 4 x 4 trail.  I was just at the point of losing my cool completely as my morning was one where all of the above mentioned ‘hazards’ played a significant role in stripping me of my ‘pink fluffy unicorns, dancing on a rainbow’, happy mood. I have to swerve again to dodge yet another one and swerved myself into a whole new dimension apparently as I got to thinking, what if I was given the task of writing about something horrendously negative using only ‘happy thought’, transforming the entire story line.  So, instead of losing my mind completely (with smoke bellowing from my ears and the whole shebang, like the funny looking little men in cartoons) I proceeded to ‘re-write’ this ongoing squeal of a negative soapy and try fill it with positivity.
 “What if potholes are not potholes at all, but rather portholes to another world?  What if public transport is not in fact public transport at all but rather a teleportation method?What if faulty traffic lights are not faulty but rather just communication devices which are experiencing jammedsignals, as other worlds try (in vain) to contact us? 
This answers a lot of questions actually.  Have you ever met someone and wondered if they are even human at all? (Oh wait…….I’m sure you all think that when you meet me!)   Well to be honest, no I am not human at all, I am super human! (I have reached this conclusion judged by my own standards, so please, don’t get your knickers in a knot)  I think maybe I ‘arrived’ here by means of a teleportation device, through a porthole after the communication signal was received…….. This is the only explanation I can think of which makes any sense (in my world anyway).  Why else would teleportation devise’s, who misunderstand the communication signals, continuously seem to have the urgency to get up close and personal with me by means of swerving as close to me as they possibly can or horridly cut in front of me, forcing me to slam on brakes and notice them?
 Why else would I be surrounded by so many portholes which seem to manifest themselves right in front of me all the time and everywhere?  Could it be that the bubble blowing, pink fluffy unicorns from Rainbow world are missing their Bohemian……? I can only imagine how bored they must be without me……
   Alright, I’ll stop, what I am actually trying to say here is, instead of allowing these very annoying, joy stealing, ‘in your face’ obstacles to ruin your day, rather transform these frustrations into something bazar and hilarious.  This could help turn your frown upside down. Make up your own story and the plus point is, you can re-write it as many times as you need, it’s your story after all, just like your life…..
Well that’s it for today, dreaming up these kind of candy floss thoughts render me hungry……. (For pink smarties)
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)

Bohemian B

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Native American Zodiac Sign Meanings:
Otter: Jan 20 - Feb 18
A little quirky, and unorthodox, the Otter is a hard one to figure sometimes. Perceived as unconventional, the Otter methods aren't the first ones chosen to get the job done. This is a big mistake on the part of others - because although unconventional, the Otter's methods are usually quite effective. Yes, the Otter has unusual way of looking at things, but he/she is equipped with a brilliant imagination and intelligence, allowing him/her an edge over every one else. Often very perceptive and intuitive, the Otter makes a very good friend, and can be very attentive. In a nurturing environment the Otter is sensitive, sympathetic, courageous, and honest. Left to his/her own devices, the Otter can be unscrupulous, lewd, rebellious, and isolated.
Wolf: Feb 19 - Mar 20
Deeply emotional, and wholly passionate, the Wolf is the lover of the zodiac in both the physical and philosophical sense of the word. The Wolf understands that all we need is love, and is fully capable of providing it. Juxtaposed with his/her fierce independence - this Native American animal symbol is a bit of a contradiction in terms. Needing his/her freedom, yet still being quite gentle and compassionate - we get the picture of the "lone wolf" with this sign. In a nurturing environment the Wolf is intensely passionate, generous, deeply affectionate, and gentle. Left to his/her own devices the Wolf can become impractical, recalcitrant, obsessive, and vindictive.
Falcon: Mar 21 - Apr 19
A natural born leader, the Falcon can always be looked upon for clear judgment in sticky situations. Furthermore, the characteristics for this Native American animal symbol never wastes time, rather he/she strikes while the iron is hot, and takes action in what must be done. Ever persistent, and always taking the initiative, the Falcon is a gem of a personality to have for projects or team sports. The Falcon can be a little on the conceited side - but he/she is usually right in his/her opinions - so a little arrogance is understood. In a supportive environmental the Falcon "soars" in his/her ability to maintain passion and fire in relationships, and always remaining compassionate. Left to his/her own devices, the Falcon can be vain, rude, intolerant, impatient, and over-sensitive.
Beaver: Apr 20 - May 20
Take charge, adapt, overcome - this is the Beaver motto. Mostly business, the Beaver is gets the job at hand done with maximum efficiency and aplomb. Strategic, and cunning the Beaver is a force to be reckoned with in matters of business and combat. One might also think twice about engaging the Beaver in a match of wits - as his/her mental acuity is razor sharp. The Beaver has everything going for him/her - however tendencies toward "my way or the highway" get them in trouble. Yes, they are usually right, but the bearer of this Native American animal symbol may need to work on tact. In a nurturing environment the Beaver can be compassionate, generous, helpful, and loyal. Left to his/her own devices the Beaver can be nervous, cowardly, possessive, arrogant, and over-demanding.
Deer Native American Animal Symbol Deer: May 21 - Jun 20
This Native American animal symbol is the muse of the zodiac. The Deer is inspiring lively and quick-witted. With a tailor-made humor, the Deer has a tendency to get a laugh out of anyone. Excellent ability for vocalizing, the Deer is a consummate conversationalist. This combined with his/her natural intelligence make the Deer a must-have guest at dinner parties. Always aware of his/her surroundings, and even more aware of his/her appearance, the Deer can be a bit self-involved. However, the Deer's narcissism is overlooked because of his/her congeniality and affability. In a supportive environment the Deer's natural liveliness and sparkly personality radiate even more. He/she is an inspiring force in any nurturing relationship. Left to his/her own devices the Deer can be selfish, moody, impatient, lazy, and two-faced.
Woodpecker: Jun 21 - Jul 21
Woodpeckers are usually the most nurturing of all the Native American animal symbols. The consummate listener, totally empathic and understanding, the Woodpecker is the one to have on your side when you need support. Of course, they make wonderful parents, and equally wonderful friends and partners. Another proverbial feather in the Woodpeckers cap is the tendency to be naturally frugal, resourceful, and organized. In a nurturing environment the Woodpecker is of course caring, devoted, and very romantic. Left to his/her own devices the Woodpecker can be possessive, angry, jealous, and spiteful.
Salmon: Jul 22 - Aug 21
Electric, focused, intuitive, and wholly creative, the Salmon is a real live-wire. His/her energy is palpable. A natural motivator, the Salmon's confidence and enthusiasm is easily infectious. Soon, everybody is onboard with the Salmon - even if the idea seems too hair-brained to work. Generous, intelligent, and intuitive, it's no wonder why the Salmon has no shortage of friends. This Native American animal symbol expresses a need for purpose and goals, and has no trouble finding volunteers for his/her personal crusades. In a supportive environment, the Salmon is stable, calm, sensual, and giving. Left to his/her own devices, those that bear this Native American animal symbol can be egotistical, vulgar, and intolerant of others.
Bear: Aug 22 - Sep 21
Pragmatic, and methodical the Bear is the one to call when a steady hand is needed. The Bear's practicality and level-headedness makes him/her an excellent business partner. Usually the voice of reason in most scenarios, the Bear is a good balance for Owls. The Bear is also gifted with an enormous heart, and a penchant for generosity. However, one might not know it as the Bear tends to be very modest, and a bit shy. In a loving environment this Native American animal symbol showers love and generosity in return. Further, the Bear has a capacity for patience and temperance, which makes him/her excellent teachers and mentors. Left to his/her own devices the bear can be skeptical, sloth, small-minded and reclusive.
Raven: Sep 22 - Oct 22
Highly enthusiastic, and a natural entrepreneur, the Crow is quite a charmer. But he/she doesn't have to work at being charming - it comes easily. Everyone recognizes the Crow's easy energy, and everyone turns to the Crow for his/her ideas and opinions. This is because the Crow is both idealistic and diplomatic and is quite ingenious. In nurturing environments this Native American animal symbol is easy-going, can be romantic, and soft-spoken. Further, the crow can be quite patient, and intuitive in relationships. Left to his/her own devices, the Crow can be demanding, inconsistent, vindictive, and abrasive.
Snake: Oct 23 - Nov 22
Most shamans are born under this Native American animal symbol. The Snake is a natural in all matters of spirit. Easily attuned to the ethereal realm the Snake makes an excellent spiritual leader. Also respected for his/her healing capacities, the Snake also excels in medical professions. The Snake's preoccupation with matters intangible often lead others to view them as mysterious, and sometimes frightening. True, the Snake can be secretive, and a bit dark - he/she is also quite sensitive, and caring. In a supportive relationship the cool Snake can be passionate, inspiring, humorous, and helpful. Left to his/her own devices, the Snake can be despondent, violent, and prone to abnormal mood swings.
Owl: Nov 23 - Dec 21
Changeable and mutable as the wind, the Owl is a tough one to pin down. Warm, natural, with an easy-going nature, the Owl is friend to the world. The bearer of this Native American animal symbol is notorious for engaging in life at full speed, and whole-hearted loves adventure. This can be to his/her detriment as the Owl can be reckless, careless, and thoughtless. Owls make great artists, teachers, and conservationists. However, due to his/her adaptability and versatility - the Owl would likely excel in any occupation. In a supportive, nurturing environment the Owl is sensitive, enthusiastic, and an attentive listener. Left to his/her own devices, the Owl can be excessive, overindulgent, bitter, and belligerent.
Goose: Dec 22 - Jan 19
If you want something done - give it to the Goose. Persevering, dogged, and ambitious to a fault, the Goose sets goals for accomplishment, and always obtains them. The goose is determined to succeed at all cost - not for the approval of other - but those with this Native American animal symbol competes with his/her own internal foe. Driven is the watchword for the Goose's dominating personality trait - which makes them excellent in business and competitive sports. When tempered with supportive, nurturing family and friends, the Goose excels in all things he/she attempts. In a loving environment the Goose can be very passionate, humorous, gregarious, and even sensual. However, lead to his/her own devises, the Goose may fall into obsessive or addictive behaviors that will inevitably be his/her demise.

Thursday, 14 August 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat
Tips on being a human - don’t make your ‘here’ a ‘there’

How often have we not heard somebody utter the words, “I don’t know, it never came with a manual”, I’ve said it many times myself, specifically when faced with a situation I am unsure of handling in the correct manner.  This statement normally occurs after a relatively ludicrous moment (well in my case anyway). It is occasionally used as a ‘scape-goat’ of sorts as, after doing sometime ludicrous, insensitive or just plain stupid, it comforts our conscience to have ‘something’ to blame our actions on. The other comment us humans like to use is, “well I’m only human”, yes, you are, still there are certain unspoken rules I like to refer to as common sense, which we should adhere to.
   Well fortunately (or unfortunately perhaps) I have come across a certain manual of sorts. Here are ten basic principles and tips which may or may not help you should you need some guidance in this department of being human. (Such a pity some of us didn’t find this earlier in life...)
   Tip number 1) upon becoming a human, you will receive a body.  You may like it, or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire duration of your humanness. 2) Upon becoming a human, you are automatically enrolled in a fulltime, informal school called ‘life’. Here you will have the opportunities to learn lessons.  You may like or dislike them. You may think they are stupid and irrelevant. Fact is, you will learn lessons. 3) There are no mistakes, only lessons.  Growth is a process of trial and error, the definition for this is experimentation. The ‘failed’ experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that actually work. 4) A lesson is repeated until learnt (this is where I start sulking). A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learnt from it. When you have learnt, you can proceed to the next lesson. 5) Learning does not end (nope, apparently I am not a genius...yet). There is no part in life that does not contain lessons.  If you are a living, breathing human, there are lessons to be learnt. 6) There is no better than ‘here’. When your ‘there’ has become a ‘here’, you will simply obtain another ‘there’, that will again look better than you ‘here’. 7) Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.  8) What you make of your life is up to you.  You have all the tools and resources you need.  What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.  9) Your answers lie inside you.  The answers to life’s questions all lie inside of you, all you need to do is look, listen and trust. 10) You will forget all these tips as you are only human.
   I certainly hope this helps, considering you skip point number 10 of course… but then again, we are only human after all.
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat
‘Wonder Woman’, heroes and magic wands

I often refer to myself as Wonder Woman, as I not only perform wondrous tasks, but I also wonder where I put my keys, I wonder where I left my lunch, I wonder what time my appointment is,  I wonder, I wonder, I wonder... a lot. My mom even bought me a T-shirt last summer with ‘Wonder Woman’ printed on it. So yes, I guess I am Wonder Woman.
   With August being the month dedicated to the appreciation of women, specifically 9 August, many articles, television shows and radio talk show topics revolve around the wonder of women.  Earlier this week I was listening to one of these talk shows and the questions posed to women, who were encouraged to call in with an answer, were quiet amusing and the answers even more so.  However, amusing and entertaining this show was, it did get me thinking about how magnificent women really are and what with woman  equality and all, how far women have come from years gone by. (Relax guys, I’m not going to do the whole woman’s lib thing - well not too much of it anyway).
  Often I hear men saying that they will never understand the workings of a woman’s mind, that they just don’t understand woman as a whole. Well gents, let me tell you a little something: Women were not meant to be understood, they were made to be loved. 
   One of the questions asked over the radio was, “Name one thing a man can do better than a woman”, and the first lady who called in had a brilliant answer, “..............................” (Absolute silence). I found her answer hilarious with her insinuation of the (obvious) fact that there is nothing a man can do better than a woman (well almost anyway). I have to be honest here though, I can think of one or two things that a man could probably do better than a woman. (Unfortunately some should not be mentioned in a family orientated newspaper, so therefore I won’t... but I’m sure all you ladies reading this have a vivid enough imagination).
  I was lucky enough to have my dearest girl-friend visit during this past week and she had me in hysterics as she shared the goings on of her daily routine, being a dedicated wife and mother to her husband and two sons, aged three and 6 months, as well as seeing to the daily mundane task of housework and laundry, without any help, mind you.  Her husband arrived home one day from a long and gruelling day at work, only to find this precious friend of mine still prancing around in her PJ’s (way after 5pm).  When the poor man dared to comment on his observation of her ‘obvious self-neglect’, she aptly and highly indignant informed him, “Your children are still alive aren’t they?!”  Needless to say, they were, the dishes were done, so was the laundry.  The house had been cleaned (well as much as you can with a toddler ‘helping’ mommy), dinner was prepared and the children were happily content AND her teeth had been brushed.
   Quite frankly and this is in my honest opinion, woman deserve more than a month dedicated to them, more than a Woman’s Day and more than a Mother’s Day.  Women deserve medals, a long holiday of at least six months (house-hold duties free) on an exotic island off the South of the Caribbean.  Lazing on a stretcher on the serene beach sipping a cool long island ice-tea whilst being fanned with a huge, over-sized palm tree branch, by a bronze tanned and toned to perfection, island local.  Or if you gents and off-spring feel that this idea is a bit excessive (which you properly do), a big bunch of flowers, a candle lit dinner, or maybe just a cup of tea at the right moment (this would be when she starts spitting fire) would definitely welcomed.  Even better, perhaps a day off while you see to her ‘duties’ (as an equal, obviously) to show your appreciation and concern for her. This would be enough to keep ‘Wonder Woman’ motivated enough to take care of her family (happily) for at least another day without being admitted to a mental institution for losing all her marbles (please note I said ALL) and will keep you… well, wondering where she put her keys, where she kept the peanut butter, where the kids had disappeared to…
   It’s a given that every ‘Wonder Woman’ deserves a ‘Superman’ as a hero.  And in turn, every ‘Superman’ deserves a ‘Wonder Woman’ to wave her magic wand and transform his house and ‘residents thereof’ into a loving home and family.
Glitter Greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Historian B.H. Liddell Hart wrote: “A life spent in sowing a few grains of fruitful thought is a life spent more effectively than in hasty action that produces a crop of weeds.”

Friday, 1 August 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat
Happy Cake-Day!

First off, let me start off by wishing Ermelo Insight (my place of employment) a very Happy First Birthday!
   Do you have a favourite day of the week?  Month?  Year?  In general?  Mine is Cake day!!  I have been shocked on many occasions to discover that some people dread their upcoming Birthday.  Well, my question to you is, “What is up with that?”  Some people get grumpy on their Birthday.  Some don’t even want to celebrate the day let alone have others discover the special date.  Really?  The common argument is the whole age thing. Fear of getting old and all that rubbish.  My dear reader, let me enlighten you with a piece of (useless maybe) information.  Age is a number.  And you know what else?  A number should not frighten you (unless you looking at my bank balance though, that’s petrifying).  Remember this important quote, “you don’t stop playing because you getting old.  You get old because you stop playing”. 
   Back in the day when I was nearing the big three “o”, I was faced with the ever pending darkness of deep and fear induced depression.  Oh the horror I was about to face, it was just too much for my weak and shattered nerves.  I was getting O.L.D!  Thankfully I have wonderful friends who held me up as my shaky, wobbly knees started to give in.  I had the best “Winnie the Pooh” themed party and faced my fears, overcame them and embraced who I was, no matter what number I happened to be.  Just because I was growing older and not in my twenties anymore, did by no means mean that I had to change ME in anyway.  And today, almost a decade later, I have the big four ‘o” coming in a year or two or three… (I sometime forget exactly what my accurate number is, thank heavens for my ID number!) 
   My many personalities and I lead a colourful life every day and at our, what we then perceived as a dooms day party, decided that we would NEVER get old.  We would reach high numbers for sure, but we would not grow old.  We just love playtime too much to give it up!  I lead a regular (ok, maybe not SO regular) adult life, I have a family, a partner, a home, a career, children, and pets… the whole suburban shebang.  BUT, I still have tremendous amounts of fun and in all honesty cannot wait to reach the promised land of the “naughty 40’s”. However, here’s the thing, my personalities and I have decided that seeing that we love Cake-Day so much and due to the fact that there is a bunch of us, we should be allowed to more than one Cake-day per year…  Hubby, family and friends see this as an expensive exercise and disagree with my suggestion.  (Debates are still ongoing however)  
   So, here’s to everybody, weather you embrace your birthday or shun it, HAPPY CAKE-DAY, now go out and play!!!!
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B