Thursday, 28 August 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat
Living deliberately, Fate versus fact

Fate vs fact, an on-going dilemma in the history of... well for as long as I can remember.  “I can’t believe that happened to me”.... “Why” and “How” are probably the most commonly asked questions and normally asked with a sense of surprised shock and horror, when very often (no, I never said always) it’s partly, if not completely, our own doing. 
   I do not necessarily believe in coincidence, I believe in living with deliberation and choice.  We were all blessed with the gift of free will and that includes choices.  Sometimes (and I talk from experience) we have a ‘gut’ feeling that we shouldn’t do a particular thing, say a certain thing, go to a specific place, but what do we do? We ignore the little voice and do it anyway.  And oh the horror when things go pear shaped and turn bad and all the while that little voice is looking you up and down smugly and with distain mumbling, “I told you so”. So why do we do it? Are we all natural born dare devils? Or maybe we think we are superior to ‘the voice’ (I’m a famous one for always thinking that I know best… if you don’t believe me just ask, I’ll tell you!).
   But for whatever reason we do what we do, we all have to eventually pay the price for our careless, callous or downright stupid choices.  Payday may not be immediately, but eventually it’ll come knocking on the door demanding its levy. (And trust me, I owe so much to the ‘simply silly or subtly stupid choices levy fund’, that   I’m considered a registered employee there already)
   I am also a firm believer in making mistakes, purely for three simple reasons: 1) Because I make so many of them; 2) Because I am human (referring back to last week’s BBB) and 3) (and this is a ‘biggy’) It’s an opportunity to learn from said mistake and grow from it.  However, a mistake is just that, a mistake.  When it happens the first time it is a mistake, if it happens again it becomes a choice.  It is not coincidental that you end up in the same situation over and over again, it is your choice to continually revert back to square one. 
   I recently read some good advice, “Every moment is a choice.  Every thought, word and deed is creating your future and for that matter the future of the one’s closest to you.  Choose wisely and positively.  Banish fear from your choosing capabilities. Never be afraid to do what is right, especially if the well-being of another person is at stake. Always live with deliberation and make your choices wisely and take the utmost care to avoid the knock on the door when it is time to ‘pay up for your ‘coincidences’.”
   I choose to make a conscious decision to put every effort into making good choices and to avoid coincidence and the consequences at all cost… I will also try to remember that I am classified a human and will not beat myself up for my unintentional mistakes.  “Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Hope for tomorrow.”
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B

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