Saturday, 14 March 2015

Simple Simon Says…

So you think you have problems?  Well, I have some good news for you today, albeit a bit of a bitter pill to swallow and not exactly always the easiest of solutions to apply, it’s still good news at the end of the day, depending on how you look at it of course.  There IS a solution to every problem (three solutions to be exact… continue reading) even the huge mountains that seem impossible to even imagine an attempt at climbing, let alone scaling it.  What makes the situation appear overbearing and greatly intimidating to the point of near hysteria, is the way some of us are programmed to look at things.  For instance a problem you may be facing could feel like a dire straits situation to you, a huge catastrophe, larger than life itself and a millimeter away from total damnation for sure, could in actual fact be the size of a mole hill opposed to the size of the towering Alps your mind has summed it up to be. 
Are you ready to hear what the three solutions to every problem are?  Well ready or not, here they come…
 (For those who thrive on drama and the sympathetic ear you will always find somewhere, stop reading this now! The answer could just change your life as you know it – for the brave, please continue) there are three solutions to every problem: Accept it.  Change it.  Leave it.  Now please don’t roll your eyes like that, I know you have heard this all before, but just hear me out before turning the page in disappointed disgust.  If you can’t accept it, change it.  If you can’t change it, leave it.  Often easier said than done, right? But have you ever wondered why?  Well, if you explore that avenue you may come up with a few reasons, granted you are honest with yourself.  I took some time and mulled this over in my mind and I must be honest, the brutal truth is not all that pretty, but necessary none the less considering you are desperate enough to change your life.  Here is what I found: Firstly, habit is a big culprit for our lack of taking action and responsibility for our own lives, our comfort zone if you will, albeit how bad it maybe, we tend to find a sick comfort there.  John C Maxwell said, “You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.  The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”  Secondly, lack of faith and hope in your own ability to regain your own voice, strength, independence or maybe even responsibility.  What it basically boils down to is believing in yourself.  If you can’t believe in yourself, how can anyone else believe in you? And lastly, attitude.  If you are a ‘glass-half-full’ kind of person, you may be in the market for an attitude replacement operation, which comes back to habit.  Changing you negative attitude to a positive attitude has to,  initially become a daily conscience choice.  Make positive thinking a habit, your habit, for instance, instead of adapting a woe-is-me attitude.Should you fall down the stairs, rather choose to say, “I fell down the stairs today and thought, WOW! I sure fell down those stairs fast!”
I have to end this off by also adding that, the way you choose to change your habit and re-adjust your focus as you weigh up the actual size of the problem before you and have an attitude mind shift, may not be in accordance with how someone else would do it.  There is no right or wrong way, as long as you cause no harm.  Remember that, for as long as you care about what others think, you will always be their prisoner. 
So Simple Simon says… go conquer your problems.

Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B

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