Thursday, 4 September 2014

Bohemian B’s Beat
Have a Kit-Kat…

What with working full time, running a dance school (however small, still jam packed with fun), being a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a glorified events planner (for the dance school), performer and never forget… mommy to the four legged kids, free time is an illusion found on comedy central.
   Free time? Nope, I don’t think I am familiar with concept at all.  Now, any mom would know that where kids are concerned, there is always SOMETHING on the program, right now for me, it is one of the biggest happenings in a teenage girls life, that terrifying (and exuberantly expensive I might add) Matric Farewell (has rendered me as wobbly as a jelly fish!). Anyone who knows me and is familiar with my daughter knows that she is a complete ‘mini-me’ - dramatic, eccentric, adventurous and ever so theatrical. This does not make any task a walk in the park I assure you and what makes it even more traumatic is that I know I am exactly the same…  Lucky for me though I have the support of my partner (who is superman by the way… he must be as only a super hero would survive living with my numerous personalities and me!). I also have a best friend who is not only a courtier and a master in the art of creative and ‘mind blowing’ creations, but also the best dose of inspiration and encouragement a friend could wish for.  What does NOT help me in anyway, is that it is apparent that I look like an ATM machine. 
   Anyway, I’m wondering away from the topic again, let me get back to that mysterious illusion called free time.  Just today I was sitting in my miracle working friends’ studio discussing the little princesses elaborate matric farewell attire (well him discussing and me whining). I mentioned to him about my ongoing battle with the ominous time factor and he asked me a very simple question, he asked “but why?” shaking his head in realization that he would need to lay it out for me in Bohemian B’s kind of layman terms, he continued to say that, no matter how much I did or not get done today, tomorrow would still come. He said, “Do what you can today and what you can’t finish today can be done tomorrow.  Tomorrow you handle what you can and what doesn't get done tomorrow will patiently wait for the next day… and so forth.  Obviously, me being me, always having an answer (or argument) for everything, I simply (or maybe a bit more dramatically) replied, “NO! This HAS to be done today!”  His eyes got as big as dinner plates as he asked in horror, “Why? Who is going to die due to your lack of getting to everything?”  Okay, this made me stop, pay attention and even think about what he said. 
   And there you have it wonder-woman.  If it is detrimental to your job, a life or death situation with your family or at home or a horrendously huge national disaster threat which could destroy the plant, then do it today.  If not, tomorrow is another day.  By managing your precious time and dealing with one ‘train-smash’ at a time and ultimately learning to loosen the reigns a bit could benefit you in more ways than you can imagine.  For one, you will enter the day of tomorrow with one less grey hair, one less wrinkle and much more enthusiasm, resulting in efficiency. So now, how about that cup of stress-free tea, undisturbed by your self-inflicted business. 
Glitter greetings (and all things shiny)
Bohemian B

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